Remembering to Remember


"The key is remembering, or rather, remembering to remember."

... a valuable meta-mantra worth remembering (!) from "Defusing the Anger Bomb", an essay by "Vishvapani" that suggests pausing for a moment before reacting — to create a chance to be self-aware, to observe, and maybe to choose how to act appropriately. Then, "... when difficult things happen we have access to all the wisdom and understanding we have developed in our lives and the skills to apply it, whatever is happening."

(cf. DeliberateSpeed (1999-08-23), DeliberateOpinion (2001-10-14), Meditation Made Easy (2008-11-01), Karma (2009-07-15), Waking Up to What You Do (2010-03-21), Find the Beauty (2011-04-03), Emotional States (2012-04-26), ...) - ^z - 2013-08-23